The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Text File
185 lines
Copyright 1990 by WindhamWoods Publishing, Windham, NH 03087
DM.SYS 1.000
Files ;Select a file ( screen, text, or other presentation) to fetch or insert
Edit ;F1-Help F3/F4-Colors F8-Grab Color F9-Legund F10-Fonts
Window ; Arrow keys move, <Ctrl> & or <PgUp><PgDn> resize, F3/F4-Colors, <Esc>-Exit
Pick & Place ; Copy Move Erase Blank Place Screen Test Function Keys F9-Legund Exit
Box ;Scroll through list of box styles <Enter>-Select <Esc>-Exit
Shell ;Shell to DOS - Use MSHOW.EXE from the command line to view your work
saVe ;Save work-in-process or portion thereof, screens as screens or text
Function Keys ;F1-Help F2-Order Form F5-Color/Mono F6-Toggle Print ESC-Quit
More ;Reveal 2nd half of menu items
Insert Blank ;Insert a blank screen, ready for some creative effort
Copy ;Insert a duplicate of the present screen into presentation
Jump Previous ;Swap the present screen with the PREVIOUS screen
Leap Next ;Swap the present screen with the NEXT screen
Delete ;Delete present screen from presentation (can not be recovered)
Appearance ;Select from menus of screen presentation options
More ;Reveal 1st half of menu items
eXit ;Return to DOS
Look/Fetch ;View file with option to retrieve
Ren ;Give file a new name
Copy ;Duplicate file with another name
Del ;Remove file (destructive) from system
Title ;Assign title for ShowDemo Listing
Quit ;Return to main menu
Insert File ;Insert complete file into presentation Use Arrow keys to view file
Stuff Screen ;Insert screen into presentation Use Arrow keys to view file
Quit ;Return to presentation Use Arrow keys to view file
Copy ;Save selected area to scratch-pad memory leaving original in tact
Move ;Save selected area to scratch-pad memory and blank out original area
Erase ;Erase scratch-pad memory
Blank ;Erase selected area of screen
Place ;Anchor scratch-pad memory segment in place
Screen Test ;Visually determine if screen segment is properly defined
Function Keys ;F1-Help F3/F4-Colors F8-Grab Color F9-Legund ESC-Quit
F9-Legund ;Use arrow keys to look at menu explainations
Exit ;Return to main menu
Place ;Anchor box/border in place
Function Keys ;F1-Help F3/F4-Colors F8-Grab Color F9-Legund ESC-Quit
F9-Legund ;Use arrow keys to look at menu explainations
Exit ;Return to main menu
Keep: All ;Save entire file of screens
Partial ;Define and save sequence of screens in a new file
Screen ;Save this screen in "capture" format
Text ;Save this screen in ASCII text file (color information is lost)
Quit ;Return to DOS
1;Save Presentation ? (Yes/No) Y
2;Exit MAKEDEMO ? (Yes/No) N
3;Save screens %s through %s ? (Yes/No) Y
4;Replace %s ? (Yes/No) N
5;Insert as new screen into current presentation ? (Yes/No) N
6;Delete %s ? (Yes/No) N
7;Review no further, accept font ? (Yes/No) Y
8;░▒▓█Peruse file using Home, PgUp, , , PgDn keys; Import Screen? (Yes/No) Y
9;Presentation to be saved:
10;File for saving screens:
11;Starting with screen #
12;. . and ending with screen #
13;Rename %s to
14;Copy %s to
16;Create new file
17;F1-Help F3/F4-Colors F8-Grab Color F9-Legund F10-Fonts
18; Place Function Keys F9-Legund Exit
19;Save screen with changes (Yes/No) Y
;┌─┐│┘─└│ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;┌─┐│┘─└│■;Create masking box, cross hatched interior
;┌─┐│┘─└│≡;Create masking box, cross hatched interior
;┌┬┐┤┘┴└├┼;Create masking box, cross hatched interior
;┌─┐│┘─└│1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;╓─╖║╜─╙║ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;╓─╖║╜─╙║1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;╒═╕│╛═╘│ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;╒╤╕╡╛╧╘╞╪;Create masking box, cross hatched interior
;╒═╕│╛═╘│1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;┌─╖║╝═╘│ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;┌─╖║╝═╘│1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;╔═╗║╝═╚║ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;╔═╗║╝═╚║1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;▄─▄█▀─▀█ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;▄─▄█▀─▀█1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;▄▄▄█▀▀▀█ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;▄▄▄█▀▀▀█1;Create border only, interior unaffected
; ▄ ▀ ;Create masking box, blank interior
; ▄ ▀ 1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;█▀███▄██ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;█▀███▄██1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;▐▀▌▌▌▄▐▐ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;▐▀▌▌▌▄▐▐1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;▄▄▄█▀▀▀█ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;▄▄▄█▀▀▀█1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;████████ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;█████████;Create masking box, interior same as border
;████████1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓;Create masking box, interior same as border
;▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒;Create masking box, interior same as border
;▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒1;Create border only, interior unaffected
;░░░░░░░░ ;Create masking box, blank interior
;░░░░░░░░░;Create masking box, interior same as border
;░░░░░░░░1;Create border only, interior unaffected
; ;Create masking box, blank interior
; ;Create masking box, interior same as border
; 1;Create border only, interior unaffected
AAA; Flash ;Entire screen appears instantly
ABA; Vertical Blinds ;New screen appears through turning vertical blinds
ACU; Scroll Stripes Up ;New screen appears as series of scrolling segments
ACD; Scroll Stripes Down ;New screen appears as series of scrolling segments
ADA; Confetti ;New screen appears in small segments like confetti
ASA; Spiral ;New screen appears as spiral from outside to inside
AEA; Push Up ;Entire screen pushes old up off the top
AEB; Push Down ;Entire screen pushes old down off the bottom
AFA; Push Right ;Entire screen pushes old right off the edge
AFB; Push Left ;Entire screen pushes old left off the edge
AGA; Sprinkle ;Overwrites entire screen randomly replacing each character
STA; Typewriter ;Page appears from bottom to reveal itself
SAA; Segments ; Screen segments appear instantly
SLR; Lay Right ;Screen segments lay from left to right on previous screen
SLL; Lay Left ;Screen segments lay from right to left on previous screen
SLD; Lay Down ;Screen segments lay from top to bottom
SLU; Lay Up ; Screen segments lay from bottom to top
SVB; Scroll Down ;Screen segments push down from top
SVT; Scroll Up ;Screen segments push up from bottom
SVC; Vert Push ;Screen segments push out top to bottom from center
SHR; Slide Right ;Screen segments slide from left
SHL; Slide Left ;Screen segments slide from right
SHC; Horz Push ;Screen segments push out side to side from center
SLB; Drop Letters ;Scroll letters down from top
SLT; Pop Letters ;Scroll letters up from bottom
SLC; Drop & Pop Letters ;Letters alternate dropping and popping
SDB; Color Slides Left ;Overlay appears as background rolls left
SFA; Lines Pass Left ;Overlay appears in strips as background rolls left
SFB; Block Passes Left ;Overlay appears as background block rolls left
Q; Audio - quiet ;No sounds generated
S; Sound effects ;Adds novelty to presentation
A; Timing - immediate ;Next screen appears as soon as possible
B; Short ;Screen appears for 1 second
D; Intermediate ;Screen appears for 3 seconds
K; Long ;Screen appears for 10 seconds
U; Extra long ; Screen appears for 20 seconds